Saturday 3rd May - good availability
Future dates TBC
Join me for an afternoon of exceptional nurturing to pause, draw breath, untangle and tap into your innermost energy.
As we undo the body and drop into a slower pace of breathing and being, every cell and neural pathway has the chance to heal, repair and regroup. Consciously coming into gentle presence is the antidote to modern life and all its demands. This tenderly guided and held space is a chance to meet yourself at a deeper level, to go within and through kind enquiry restore a visceral sense of safety and faith in yourself and in life.
It is a portal of energy, a transmission of healing, which will begin from the time you decide to come and continue in the days after as I will be working on the energetic plane to free you from blocks in your energy field, which includes the body and mind. It is likely that you as a sensitive being will feel it too, but you may not. Know that only that which you are ready and willing to let go will dissipate. Everything is by your intention and consent.
Our practice will include:
Our afternoon together is the perfect way to pull back from the demands and pressures of life and return to your own true nature, to reconnect to your inner being and invite your soul essence to flow more fully into your life.
£48 standard price or a supported (low income) place £25
You can also pay direct into my account at bank 309898 account 16923860
(make sure you let me know you're coming if you pay me direct!)
Time and support to help you to rest, restore and replenish
Final price
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"I have been amazed at how seemingly small and gentle movements have released back tension
that has been knotted for 17 years or more. I can't tell you how grateful I am." Jennifer
"Wow! This space you hold has taken me to a place way beyond my normal mind.
I'm not sure exactly where it is, but it's good! Habitual thoughts have dropped away and a sense of peace
has enfolded me like a warm blanket. I had my first good night's sleep for a very long time." Collette
"Julia, your teaching always delights me.
I leave taller, fresher, reminded that I don't need to push so hard. The way you teach is delicate, nourishing and kind.
Thank you." Kathy
This special afternoon is offered to a limited number of participants. A chance to meet in our hearts and with each other. To draw strength and warmth from our shared presence and a practice that meets you just as you are.